So there has been a lot of excitement surrounding the launch of the new Salts Confident BE ostomy bags and I was really looking forward to trying them out.  I use Salts bags anyway, so was really hoping to find out whether these would be an ‘upgrade’ to the ones I currently use and love.  Most of the hype was around the colour of the bags, which are available in black, stone or white.  I think this is such a fantastic idea.  They look much less clinical, you can match them with your outfit and I am sure people with darker skin tones will be happy that they may have a bag colour that suits them better too.

Confidence Be logo P.425 1 line

Both me and Ste have tried them out and on receiving them we were really pleased to see they had kept the petal base-plate.  This means the base-plate is much more flexible and goes over lumps and bumps much easier.  The material is lovely, really soft and less likely to ‘fray’ than the current Salts bags I am using,  This isn’t a major problem and doesn’t affect how it performs, but can look a bit dodgy!  It also seems less likely to rustle than other bags.  The colours are really fantastic and I definitely think Salts are onto a winner by introducing them.

Cutting the base-plate was a little more tricky, they have made the starter hole not round so Ste struggled a little as his scissors are quite big.  He is in hospital at the moment though and only has one pair with him so will be able to use smaller ones once he is home.  My bag went on easily enough and it felt comfortable and secure.  I decided to not put my Brava Protective Sheet on under the bag as I wanted to see how it performed on it’s own and how it was on my skin.  It looked great, Ste tried the black and I tried the white.

Salts have also changed the opening at the bottom of the bag and I really like it.  It tucks up, out the way, inside the bottom of the bag so it looks neat.  I normally tuck the bottom of my bag away during the day but at night I don’t, mainly to give it that bit of extra filling space so I don’t need to get up and empty it as much.  Ste generally leaves his untucked all the time so he wasn’t too sure about this feature.  He has quite a high output stoma so likes the extra room it gives.  The bags do come in a larger size than the ones we sampled so he said he would just be ordering the bigger size of bags to compensate for this.  I like how easy the end is to clean after emptying, the fact the front is slightly shorter than the back of the opening really makes a difference.  I have heard some people aren’t fond of the opening and have had issues with it popping open but I never had an issue and at no point did it not feel secure.


Another of the new features is the anti-sag design.  When full, especially when your output is very watery, a bag will sag and pull down on your tummy and stoma which can be uncomfortable.  I tested this out by letting my bag fill up and took a couple of pictures.  It didn’t not sag at all but it is definitely better than the current Salts bag I use which almost folds in on itself at the top and pulls down quite a bit.  A great idea for when you are out and about and might not have chance to empty as much, you won’t be left feeling as uncomfortable and it will be less noticeable.


I left the bag on for two days. I generally change mine every night after my shower but I wanted to see how it held up when on for longer.  The only issue I had was with the adhesive going hard.  The edges of my base-plate always start to come up after a day and generally they just get a bit of fluff stuck to them from my clothes but don’t cause any issues.  The adhesive on the new bags dried and went really hard, so I found myself picking bits off.  For me this normally wouldn’t be an issue as I change every day and the odd time I don’t it isn’t a massive problem that would put me off the bags, but I know many people leave their bags on for much longer than I do.  A simple way to remedy this is to use flange extenders and if I knew I wasn’t going to be changing my bag the following evening as normal, I would probably use these just to keep the edges stuck down and prevent the adhesive drying out.

The bag dried much more quickly with this new material being much more water repellant.  I would be interested to see how it performs in the warmer months and whether this also makes it less prone to making me sweat underneath the bag which can happen when it is really warm and the bag is pressed against my skin.  The filter seems great too, I like the positioning of it and didn’t have any issues with odour or pancaking.  My bag still filled with air at night time and even when it was full to bursting when I woke up and the edge had lifted up, the main part of the base-plate was still stuck fast and I was able to just re stick it once I had emptied the bag.  Very impressive!

Overall, I am super happy with this new bag.  I love the Salts bag I currently use and this is definitely a step up for them.  There isn’t a convex version available yet but I hear they are working on it, so I will keep an eye out and let you know when that comes out.  I can’t wait to get my next delivery now and start co-ordinating my bag with my outfits! Ste is also going to be using them and has already placed his order.  Well done Salts!  Big thumbs up!

To find out more about the bag and order your samples click here to visit the Salts Healthcare website


18 responses to “Am I Confident In The New Salts Confidence BE Ostomy Bags?”

  1. Thanks for the fab review on these! I wouldn’t mind trying them, but have found on the whole that I still prefer the Sensura-Mio convex for ease and cleanliness of emptying, and ‘stickability’ (even though I change mine every day). I do love how these come in black though, so I’d be interested to try black when they make them in convex. Perhaps other manufacturers will catch on with the colours and give black a go in the near future too. Glad you’re generally happy with these, thanks again for sharing 🙂
    Caz x


    1. You are so welcome! I love lots about the Mio except the baseplate and the filter. Had so many leaks with them but this seems to be a similar material to the Mio which is great! I hope the convex comes out soon so more people can try it xx


  2. I use the Salts XND1352 which, for me is bomb-proof. I love the LARGE sticky flange on the XND1352. It is a Convex bag, but I use it although I don’t NEED a Convex bag, as my Stoma protrudes nicely. I also LOVED everything about the Sensura Mio….the material, the opening….EXCEPT the rubbish flange!! Every time I wore the Mio I’d get a leak….so went back to my trusty XND1352’s. I find nearly ALL bags (except the XND1352 have too small a circumference flange!! If a bag is taking up space anyway, why not make the sticky flange the same width as the bag itself? The small circumference flanges only need a few bending down events to push contents out of the SIDE of the flange. Do other folks have this problem? I don’t want to have to use kidney shaped secure strips to extend the size of the flange to make it more secure!! I wish I had the funding to manufacture THE Holy Grail Bag.

    I’ve had my Stoma for 48 years and I’m pretty sure I could make a superb bag – FOR ALL users!! My prototype model would be the Sensura Mio with a better filter and with the XND1352 flange size and material, but not Convex. It would be Streamlined, flat, waterproof, have a great filter and emptying outlet (I don’t want roll-up Velcro)….and in MANY colours and pre-cut sizes in one step increments……34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and so on. ANY MILLIONAIRE out there to do this project with me?? Lol. I’m pretty sure we BOTH millionaires in no time!!

    My next step is to try Salts Confidence Be. Just excitedly waiting for some to arrive. I just hope the flange is AS BIG in circumference and as brilliant as the XND1352 flange, but without the hard plastic ring required for the Convex. I’ll comment on my trial experience…..Watch this space….


    1. Look forward to hearing your thoughts! This comes pretty close to my ideal, it’s got alot of the features of the Mio pouch but with the Salts baseplate and a better filter! The only thing I’ve found as I said in the review is the glue where the edge of the baseplate comes up does go hard (I find I end up picking at it) but as I change my bag daily most of the time this isn’t a huge issue for me, I think it would bother people that wear their bags longer but they could use baseplate extenders to keep the edges stuck down if preferred. We should go into business! I look forward to hearing what you think xx


      1. Hi Steph…I’m back, as promised, to give my opinion after trying these Confidence Be Bags by Salts, U.K.

        Well…..I was absolutely OVER THE MOON when I SAW them. I got samples in the White, Stone AND Black ones. They are in an entirely different material from the usual “cloth” covered, boring sand coloured ones out there. I’m so please to see that Salts have jumped on the bandwagon with this “new style” material, which is MUCH softer, almost waterproof, and less clinical looking as far as Ostomy appliances go. Coloplast’s Sensura Mio is another “state of the art” bags. The Mio is Pale Grey, beautifully soft material, again almost waterproof. I simply ADORE the Mio – but can’t wear it due to getting leaks within one day!! Gutted!! I thought the Black Confidence Be would be superb under Black Jeans, or any dark clothing. I love all three colour versions. Even the Stone colour is different from the general sandy colour out there.

        And then I tried them…..Hmmm….I got a leak after just one day. 😢. They seem quite small in the standard size and I found I had to do more empties than I usually do during the day. As you found Steph…..the Wafer goes HARD, starting at the edges and working inwards with time. I was REALLY disappointed by this. I managed to keep one on for 3 days, but there was, again, a leak by this time, slowly creeping across the flange. I’ve ordered some LARGE ones (as Stu has), to try and I will get back to you all again when I’ve tried them. I am also waiting for the CONVEX version of the Confidence Be to be released. Hopefully, Salts will use a different material for the flange!!??

        In conclusion then…..I’m quite, well – VERY disappointed in these, as they are now that is. I am back to my ABSOLUTELY BOMBPROOF Salts XND1352 Bags, which I am finding VERY hard to beat, by ANY current supplier. The Salts XND1352 is a Convex bag (not strong pressure Convex) wears brilliantly worn with a Salts SECUPLAST Mouldable Seal underneath. I don’t NEED a Convex Bag by the way. I wear these beauties because they are so TOTALLY reliable – and REALLY comfortable. I’ve had the XND on for 7 days at times….with NO leaks under the Secuplast Seal or the bag’s wafer – and NO errrr….aroma!!

        Again, watch this space for my next go with the other options in the Confidence Be Bags, as they are really lovely to feel and look at…..bye for now – hugs to all….


  3. […] Am I Confident In The New Salts Confidence BE Ostomy Bags? […]


  4. Yeah……as I mentioned, I’ve got 48 years of experience with a Stoma (Ileostomy with quite a constant watery output too, which can be a nightmare to manage). I KNOW one appliance is not going to suit all – but I bet you I could create one for the majority!! I have tried nearly every bag out there. You name it, you can bet I’ve tried it.

    I’ve been there…..waiting with baited breath…..and almost snatching the Postman’s hand off to get at the latest appliance…..which has PROMISED miracles – but just doesn’t deliver them!! My biggest issue? LEAKS! SIde leaks, where you can just feel that slight wetness creeping out….just as you’re about to go out the door!! Grrrrr!! How about a side leak while wearing white jeans???? Screech!!!

    I had a MOST EMBARRASSING roll-down of a Hollister roll-up Velcro fastening. This type of end fastener CANNOT BE TRUSTED. A few rubs from clothing against the Velcro and you can get a roll-down. I was wearing black trousers but obviously had to go home to change clothing. I NEVER go anywhere without my small “emergency bag change” wallet with me. I’ve changed in Airplane toilets, on a small boat – and – out in the desert!!

    I’m gonna try the Salts Confidence Be…..but before I get them, I’m not happy about the Velcro roll-up end. I think Salts May have slipped up there!!

    I will get back when Ive given them a good try……fingers crossed…….


    1. Yes the end is not a great idea, I think it needs an option to tuck it in but an extra fastening be much better!
      Oh wow! My worst change was on a train…train toilets are always disgusting I find!
      Salts have kept in touch following my review and asked for my feedback which is good, shows they like to hear it xx


  5. On your comment of the glue going hard at the flange edges of the Confidence Be……we CUSTOMERS should NOT have to wear extension wings or strips to cover up what is obviously a problem that Salts need to address – and quickly!! After all….if that happens to you after ONE day”s wear… will the flange edge be at 3 days? Hmmm….

    I hope Salts haven’t manufactured millions of the Confidence Be yet – and that they can make amendments following customers’ feedback following this initial release. As I said before…..the bottom fastener is my first concern – but I haven’t tried them yet. What a horrible experience to try out – I.e. if you’re gonna get a roll-down, or not. Hope I’m not out and about if that horror happens!!

    All the very best hunni bunch. Xx


  6. Hiya Natalie and all.

    I’ve had chance since my last post to you, to give the Salts Confidence Be Bags a really good trial. Below are MY findings and opinion….

    – THE COLOURS – I LOVE the THREE Colours. I’ll be using the Stone and Black, but the White ones are beautiful (as far as bags go – lol). Stone or beige colour bags are better under ALL light coloured clothing. Strangely, white bags can show up, even under white clothes!!

    – THE MATERIAL – LOVE IT. So soft, flat, and dries really quickly after showering. It’s on a par with the Sensura Mio amazing material. Very low, flat profile – brilliant! Can’t really see you’ve got a bag on under tighter clothing.

    – THE FILTER is not bad at all. I got no “ballooning” for a good 2 days wear (max) and no unpleasant odour detected from the filter.

    – THE BASEPLATE (Flange). Hmmm…..bit of a let down really. 😪 Ive had a few leaks, something I NEVER get with the Salts XND1352 bag. It was quite comfortable with the Salts Secuplast Seal worn underneath it. Tried them without a Seal….NO way!! I was sore and itchy (around the stoma) in about 3 hours. I’m going to try the Secuplast Seal and Confidence Be Bags using TRIO Elisse Spray (ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE stuff) underneath, to improve adhesion. The bag’s Baseplate goes HARD and sort of “wrinkly”!! It’s really soft when you first put it on…..but hard by end of day one, starting at the edges and then hardening up towards the centre. Salts really need to look into this – and REAL FAST!!

    – THE OPENING – Moon-shaped opening, with one edge slightly shorter than the other, it tucks under beautifully, under a little flap on front of bag….really streamlined. VERY secure, which delighted me. However……MESSY. After an empty and good clean up of opening, at next empty I found the roll up to be messy, as if effluent had slightly “seeped out”. I ended up trimming the bottom uneven moon shape to be level, which helped somewhat.

    That’s it folks……I love the bag and will be persevering with it due to its beautiful material, colours, softness, and super-flat profile.

    I hope my review helps somewhat, as it took me some good time to type it !! Lol.

    I will be trialling, for Salts, their new CONVEX version of the Confidence Be.

    My best wishes to you Natalie, and fellow Ostomists…..xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinions. I’m really glad you are sticking with them. The only thing I disagree with is the opening, I really like it and find it loads easier to clean. I pop the bag open and wipe out the inside a little which I really helpful, maybe try that? I have the bag in all three colours and find I use the black and stone ones most often too but I like the white aswell. They always say to wear a nude bra under a white top too, not a white one so that’s something I stick with xx


  7. Hiya Natalie – and all followers of Nat’s Excellent site.

    Well……I bit the bullet and ordered TWO Boxes of the LARGE Size Salts Confidence Be Bags – one box of the Stone colour, and one of the Black. As you said Natalie……Stone or beige colour IS better worn under light coloured or white clothing. I do like the White colour in these though…..

    Yeah, I’m persevering with this bag as I love lots about it…..the colours, the soft, very flat profile, the streamlined look with the flap covering the roll-up bottom fastening (which I am finding VERY secure, on me anyway) STILL getting a slight film of effluent on the rollup, despite doing a thorough clean of the opening at each empty. I (try to) wear my bags for 3 days. The material of the Confidence Be allows me to shower, with no water seepage under the flange edges – and it dries in no time, as it does not have that “cloth” covering. I’m also finding it is “rustle-free”. SOME makes of bags sound like you’ve got a packet of crisps in your pocket – lol – but not this one. The baseplate on this new order is going hard and crinkly after a couple of days, so it wasn’t just a bad batch I got with my sample lot. I’m doing a review on the NEW Convex for Salts, before they release it. Their marketing manager is phoning me next week regarding the flange problem I’m experiencing on the Confidence Be. Any other folks experiencing this as well as Natalie and me, so I can add your findings when I speak to him?

    All the very best Nat. I hope Ste is going on okay. “Speak” soon… xx


    1. Hi, I am trying Confidence Be but the standard seem really small? I have been using Confidence Gold for more years than I can remember and loved the size of them. Do you think the large ones are a good size?


      1. I use the large ones and prefer the size compared to the standard. My boyfriend also uses them – he has high liquid output and they work well for him too x


  8. Hi Natalie and all….

    I haven’t received the Confidence BE Convex samples to trial yet. I won’t be able to give my opinion in any aspect AT ALL until AFTER Salts havev released the bags on the market – as the trial is strictly confidential from my side – and from Salt’s side. I would need to give them a longer trial myself too, as I’d hate to give out any false results. I will give Salts a true honest opinion on EVERY feature of the new bag, to help them as much as possible. Still persevering with my Confidece BE flat bags though. I’m currently trying them with no “seal” underneath, using the TRIO Elisse Barrier spray underneath, as you suggested Natalie…….doing much better.

    Love to you all. Xx


  9. […] Check out my review of the Salts Confidence BE bags […]


  10. […] who follows the blog will know I am a big fan of the Salts Confidence Be bags (see my review here) and I have been honoured to get the chance to work with them in the past. This post isn’t […]


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